Odkryj polskie tradycje
Discover Polish Traditions

Come and get to know us while discovering Polish carnival traditions!

Karnawał, also known in Poland as zapusty, is a joyful time of dance, costumes, having fun, and feasting! It's a loud and cheerful season when we want to fill ourselves with happiness and good food before the beginning of Christian Lent.

Join us for a free cultural and Polish language workshop at GLOSSA School in Kraków, located at Dietla 103/5, on 13.02 at 7:00 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in Polish culture and pick up some Polish language skills.

During the 90-minute workshop, you'll participate in exciting language games and exercises, prepare a unique carnival mask, and even dance the polonez - a traditional Polish dance! Fun is guaranteed!


Our friendly teachers will guide you in learning some useful Polish phrases—no prior knowledge is needed, just bring your enthusiasm.

After the workshop, feel free to stick around for an informal gathering to relax, meet new friends, and practice your Polish in a casual setting.

Participation is free, but space is limited. Sign up now to secure your spot and join us for this unforgettable evening!

> > > Sign up!< < <

Aleksandr Kalinin about polish language course
Aleksandr Kalinin

SJO GLOSSA dała się poznać jako solidny partner, który w bardzo elastyczny sposób reaguje na potrzeby i oczekiwania. Umiejętność zarządzania dużymi projektami została w pełni zweryfikowana już podczas pierwszego etapu współpracy, jakim było przejęcie wszystkich szkoleń językowych w firmie.


¿Tienes preguntas? Cumplimenta el formulario o llámanos +48 12 352-12-09.