”Poland and me” competition rules

”Poland and me” competition

1. The competition "Poland and Me" is organized periodically by GLOSSA School of Polish

2. The subject of the written piece is "Poland and Me"

3. The idea behind the contest is to promote Polish culture and language abroad.

4. Anyone who is over 16 can take part in the competition with the exception of Polish language teachers.

5. The written piece can be written in Polish or English. If the contestant does not know either of these languages, the work can be translated into Polish or English. In this case, you must include a statement about the help of a third party in the translation of the work.

6. Entries should be sent in by 31.03.2020 directly from the account of the participant. Confirmation of correct submission of the written work is automatically sent by message.

7. The work must not exceed 9000 characters (including spaces). Accepted formats are: .doc, .pdf or .rtf. Written work saved in other formats or with more characters will be excluded from the competition.

8. The entries will be evaluated by a specially created prize jury, made up of Polish teachers from the GLOSSA School of Polish.

9. The entries will be assessed in terms of inventiveness as well as creativity and originality. Level of knowledge of the Polish language will not be taken into account (unless it hinders the understanding of the content of the work), and nor will its appearance.

10. Zgłoszenie pracy w konkursie jest równoznaczne z bezterminowym przeniesieniem autorskich praw majątkowych do pracy oraz zgodą na: jej publikację i rozpowszechnianie (w formie elektronicznej, drukowanej itp.) oraz dokonywanie tłumaczeń, poprawek i innych zmian.

11. Results will be announced by the day: 30.04.2020 on the competition website.

If you have any questions, write to us: konkursy@glossa.pl

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Michał Szot

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