Business Polish Courses

Polish for Business
We have prepared business courses for you in groups or one on one lessons.

You already know the basics of Polish but communication in a business situation is important for you? We have prepared business courses for you in groups or one on one lessons.

Our Polish for Business course involves:

  • Introducing and consolidating vocabulary in areas like: management, marketing, finance, and advertising
  • Language tasks closely related to business situations
  • An emphasis on the development of linguistic competence in terms of business correspondence, negotiations, presentations, etc.
  • Small groups guaranteed
  • E-learning included in the price (*)

PRICE from: .

(*) Access to the online platform includes a selected course at the level A1-B1 for the duration of the course in Cracow and an additional 6 months from the end of the course.

¿Quieres aprender más? Mira

Mami Futakami about polish lesson
Mami Futakami

Dziękuję bardzo za wspaniały kurs języka polskiego! Nauczyłam się bardzo dużo, zajęcia były zawsze interesujące, a rodzina w której mieszkałam bardzo sympatyczna. Chciałabym kiedyś jeszcze tu przyjechać.


¿Tienes preguntas? Cumplimenta el formulario o llámanos +48 12 352-12-09.