Festiwale, koncerty i język polski w Krakowie

Summer school of Polish Language and Culture 2019
Festivals, concerts and Polish language in Kraków

Kraków, the world's capital of culture, will fill the summer of 2019 with an abundance of festivals and concerts, hosting a wealth of Polish and foreign artists. Welcome to our summer school, where intensive learning is accompanied by an exceptionally rich program of extra-curricular activities and a holiday atmosphere. Prepare yourself for total immersion in the Polish language and culture.

Special offer - summer 2019!

Room in a comfortable Bajeczna apartment for 120 EUR / 490 PLN per week. See photos.

The summer school of Polish language and culture involves:

  • An intensive Polish language course in an international group.
  • Developing your skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing
  • An emphasis on practical language use - speaking and understanding
  • Dynamic, varied and motivating lessons
  • A rich program of extra-curricular activities: lectures on Polish history and culture, language and cookery workshops, Polish holidays and traditions, film screenings etc.
  • Inspiring activities outside the school: tours, picnics, urban games etc.
  • The opportunity to meet people from all over the world.
  • E-learning included in the price (*)

The summer school of Polish language and culture in a mini group also involves:

  • A greater focus on the individual needs of the students
  • Greater emphasis on aspects such as pronunciation, accent, intonation
  • More teacher time just for you and more time spent on your speaking

PRICE from: 485 EUR Matrícula

Summer 2019 in Krakow

This summer, everyone is sure to find something they love amongst many diverse attractions and events! You can enjoy the magical atmosphere of the Polish Wianki Festival, which is linked to summer solstice celebrations, or you can take part in concerts of the most famous global stars.

Wianki Festival

Wianki Festival has roots in the Polish tradition of St. John's Eve during which young girls tossed wreaths of flowers into the water in the hope of meeting their future husband in the very near future. The festival itself is one of the largest music events in Poland. Festival participants can also get creative at various craft workshops and admire the spectacular firework display above the Wawel Castle.

Kraków Live Festival

Kraków Live Festival is a two-day music festival held in August in Kraków, during which you can listen to world-class performers and leading Polish artists. The festival attracts tens of thousands of music fans every year.

Jewish Culture Festival

Jewish Culture Festival incorporates over 150 diverse attractions – concerts, exhibitions, lectures and workshops. The Tempel Synagogue functions as the festival’s central stage; however, concerts and events are also traditionally held in the most popular clubs and concert halls of the Kazimierz district.

Summer Jazz Festival

Kraków’s Summer Jazz Festival, held annually for more than 20 years, is currently the largest jazz festival in Poland and one of the largest in Europe. This year, nearly 100 concerts will take place with the participation of over 200 Polish and foreign artists.

PRICE from: 485 EUR Matrícula

(*) Access to the online platform e-polish.eu includes a selected course at the level A1-B1 for the duration of the course in Cracow and an additional 6 months from the end of the course.

wybierz opcję:
Język polski dla obcokrajowców wg Laura

Jestem pełna podziwu dla nauczycieli i ich metod nauczania, dzięki którym trudna polska gramatyka w wydaje się w ogóle nie istnieć. Zajęcia były tak różnorodne, że nie sposób było się nudzić, a dwa tygodnie mojego pobytu w Krakowie minęły błyskawicznie.


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