Virtual Classroom - online Polish courses

Virtual Classroom
Online Polish Courses

The Virtual Classroom was created specifically to conduct interactive online lessons. We wanted to give teachers and students all the tools that would allow online lessons to be just as diverse, dynamic, and effective as those at our school in Krakow. Watch the two sample video clips to see what classes in our Virtual Classroom look like.

The Virtual Classroom is:

  • a board with interactive books, recordings, games, and YouTube videos.
  • a real-time preview of the students’ exercises
  • interactive homework
  • screen sharing
  • a modern interface
  • the opportunity to work in groups
  • access to the lesson archives
  • no installation - all you need is a browser (e.g., Firefox or Chrome)

Ahmed w szkole języka polskiego

Polski jest bardzo trudny, ale udało mi się go trochę nauczyć dzięki Glossie. Zajęcia były bardzo ciekawe, a nauczyciele cierpliwi i doświadczeni.


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