Intensive Polish course for Slavs

Polish for Slavs
Intensive Polish Course

Do you come from a Slavic country and want to learn Polish, yet you know that you understand more than others? Do you already know a few words and can say a few sentences or speak some Polish and want to systematize your knowledge? We have prepared a special course for you.

Polish Language Course for Slavic Speakers means:

  • dynamic, diverse and motivating activities
  • developing the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing
  • special emphasis on the practical use of language – speaking and comprehension
  • grammar practised in authentic language situations
  • interesting language games and tasks
  • interaction with other course participants
  • e-learning included in the price (*)

... and in addition:

  • greater concentration on the individual needs of students
  • more emphasis on organizing grammatical structures
  • more time to improve writing skills
  • emphasis on such aspects as pronunciation, accent, intonation
  • effective presentation of ‘false friends’ – confusingly similar words and structures

PRICE from: 230 EUR Matrícula

(*) Access to the online platform includes a selected course at the level A1-B1 for the duration of the course in Cracow and an additional 6 months from the end of the course.

Course organized with financial support from Fundacja Promocji Języka i Kultury Polskiej. Participants must be citizens of Ukraine, Belarus or other former Soviet Union republics, and former Yugoslavia. Minimum number of students required to run the course - 4 per level.

Szkoła języka polskiego wg Javier Gutiérrez
Javier Gutiérrez

Z Glossą nie tylko nauczyłem się języka ale także miałem okazję dowiedzieć się wiele o tradycjach i zwyczajach Polaków. Szczególnie chciałbym podziękować nauczycielom za ich cierpliwość, zaangażowanie i doskonałe metody. Dzięki temu spędziłem niezapomniany czas w Krakowie.


¿Tienes preguntas? Cumplimenta el formulario o llámanos +48 12 352-12-09.